Catherine G. Galbraith, Brian P. English, Ulrike Boehm, James A. Galbraith

Compartmentalized Cytoplasmic Flows Direct Protein Transport to the Cell's Leading Edge

bioRxiv. doi: (May 14, 2024) (open access)

Fadi M. Jradi, Brian P. English, Timothy A. Brown, Jesse Aaron, Satya Khuon, James A. Galbraith, Catherine G. Galbraith, Luke D. Lavis

Coumarin as a general switching auxiliary to prepare photochromic and spontaneously blinking fluorophores

bioRxiv. doi: (May 12, 2024) (open access)

Katie L. Holland, Sarah E. Plutkis, Timothy A. Daugird, Abhishek Sau, Jonathan B. Grimm, Brian P. English, Qinsi Zheng, Sandeep Dave, Fariha Rahman, Liangqi Xie, Peng Dong, Ariana N. Tkachuk, Timothy A. Brown, Robert H. Singer, Zhe Liu, Catherine G. Galbraith, Siegfried M. Musser, Wesley R. Legant, Luke D. Lavis

A series of spontaneously blinking dyes for super-resolution microscopy

bioRxiv. doi: (February 4, 2024) (open access)

Yongmei Feng, Stefan Grotegut, Predrag Jovanovic, Valentina Gandin, Steven H. Olson, Rabi Murad, Anne Beall, Sharon Colayco, Paul De-Jesus, Sumit Chanda, Brian P. English, Robert H. Singer, Michael Jackson, Ivan Topisirovic and Ze’ev A. Ronai 

Inhibition of coronavirus HCoV-OC43 by targeting the eIF4F complex

Frontiers in Pharmacology 13:1029093. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2022.1029093 (2022) (open access)

Valentina Gandin✶,  Brian P. English✶,  Melanie Freeman,  Louis-Philippe Leroux,  Stephan Preibisch, Deepika Walpita,  Maritza Jaramillo,  Robert H. Singer

Cap-dependent translation initiation monitored in living cells

Nature Communications 13, 6558 (2022) (open access)

Liangqi Xie , Peng Dong , Yifeng Qi , Tsung-Han S. Hsieh , Brian P. English , SeolKyoung Jung , Xingqi Chen , Margherita De Marzio , Rafael Casellas , Howard Y. Chang , Bin Zhang , Robert Tjian, Zhe Liu

BRD2 Compartmentalizes the Accessible Genome

Nature Genetics. doi: (2022)

Valentina Gandin✶,  Brian P. English✶,  Melanie Freeman,  Louis-Philippe Leroux,  Stephan Preibisch, Deepika Walpita,  Maritza Jaramillo,  Robert H. Singer

Cap-dependent translation initiation monitored in living cells

bioRxiv. doi: (May 22, 2021) (open access)

Anand Ranjan, Vu Q. Nguyen, Sheng Liu, Jan Wisniewski, Jee Min Kim, Xiaona Tang, Gaku Mizuguchi, Ejlal Elalaoui, Timothy J. Nickels, Vivian Jou, Brian P. English, Qinsi Zheng, Ed Luk, Luke D. Lavis, Timothee Lionnet, Carl Wu

Live-cell single particle imaging reveals the role of RNA polymerase II in histone H2A.Z eviction

eLife. doi:10.7554/eLife.55667 (April 27, 2020) (open access)

Liangqi Xie, Peng Dong, Xingqi Chen, Tsung-Han S. Hsieh, Sambashiva Banala, Margherita De Marzio, Brian P. English, Yifeng Qi, Seol Kyoung Jung, Kyong-Rim Kieffer-Kwon, Wesley R. Legant, Anders S. Hansen, Anton Schulmann, Rafael Casellas, Bin Zhang, Eric Betzig, Luke D. Lavis, Howard Y. Chang, Robert Tjian✫, Zhe Liu✫

3D ATAC-PALM: Super-resolution Imaging of the Accessible Genome 

Nature Methods 17, 430–436 (2020); doi: 10.1038/s41592-020-0775-2

Anand Ranjan, Vu Q. Nguyen, Sheng Liu, Jan Wisniewski, Jee Min Kim, Xiaona Tang, Gaku Mizuguchi, Ejlal Elalaoui, Timothy J. Nickels, Vivian Jou, Brian P. English, Qinsi Zheng, Ed Luk, Luke D. Lavis, Timothee Lionnet, Carl Wu

Live-cell single particle imaging reveals the role of RNA polymerase II in histone H2A.Z eviction

bioRxiv. doi: (February 13, 2020) (open access)

Liangqi Xie✶, Peng Dong✶, Yifeng Qi, Margherita De Marzio, Xingqi Chen, Sambashiva Banala, Wesley R. Legant, Brian P. English, Anders S. Hansen, Anton Schulmann, Luke D. Lavis, Eric Betzig, Rafael Casellas, Howard Y. Chang, Bin Zhang, Robert Tjian✫, Zhe Liu✫

Super-resolution Imaging Reveals 3D Structure and Organizing Mechanism of Accessible Chromatin

bioRxiv 678649; doi: (June 21, 2019) (open access)

Jonathan B. Grimm, Timothy A. Brown, Brian P. English, Timothée Lionnet, Luke D. Lavis   

Synthesis of Janelia Fluor HaloTag and SNAP-tag ligands and their use in cellular imaging experiments

In: Erfle H. (eds) Super-Resolution Microscopy. Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol.1663, Humana Press, New York, NY (2017) (paywall link)

Jonathan B. Grimm✶, Brian P. English✶, Heejun Choi, Anand K. Muthusamy, Brian P. Mehl, Peng Dong, Timothy A. Brown, Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Zhe Liu, Timothée Lionnet✫, Luke D. Lavis✫   

Bright photoactivatable fluorophores for single-molecule imaging

Nature Methods 13(12), 985-988 (2016) (paywall link)

Young J. Yoon, Bin Wu, Adina R Buxbaum, Sulagna Das, Albert Tsai, Brian P. English, Jonathan B. Grimm, Luke D. Lavis, Robert H. Singer   

Glutamate-induced RNA localization and translation in neurons

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113(44), E6877-86 (2016) (open access)

Zhengjian Zhang, Brian P. English, Jonathan B. Grimm, Stephanie A. Kazane, Wenxin Hu, Albert Tsai, Carla Inouye, Changjiang You, Jacob Piehler, Peter G. Schultz, Luke D. Lavis, Andrey Revyakin, Robert Tjian                     

Rapid Dynamics of General Transcription Factor TFIIB Binding During Preinitiation Complex Assembly Revealed by Single-Molecule Analysis

Genes and Development 30, 2106-2118 (2016) (open access)

Luke D. Lavis, Jonathan B. Grimm, Brian P. English, Heejun Choi, Anand K. Muthusamy, Brian P. Mehl, Peng Dong, Timothy A. Brown, Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Zhe Liu, Timothée Lionnet

Bright photoactivatable fluorophores for single-molecule imaging

bioRxiv 066779; doi: (July 29, 2016) (open access)

Paul W. Tillberg, Fei Chen, Kiryl D. Piatkevich, Yongxin Zhao, Chih-Chieh (Jay) Yu, Brian P. English, Linyi Gao, Anthony Martorell, Ho-Jun Suk, Fumiaki Yoshida, Ellen M. DeGennaro, Douglas H. Roossien, Guanyu Gong, Uthpala Seneviratne, Steven R. Tannenbaum, Robert Desimone, Dawen Cai, Edward S. Boyden

Protein-retention expansion microscopy of cells and tissues labeled using standard fluorescent proteins and antibodies

Nature Biotechnology 34, 987–992 (2016) (paywall link) (cover legend)

Tatsuya Morisaki, Kenneth Lyon, Keith F. DeLuca, Jennifer G. DeLuca, Brian P. English, Zhengjian Zhang, Luke D. Lavis, Jonathan B. Grimm, Sarada Viswanathan, Loren L. Looger, Timothée Lionnet, Timothy J. Stasevich

Real-time quantification of single RNA translation dynamics in living cells 

Science 352(6292), 1425-1429 (2016) (paywall link)

Won-Ki Cho, Namrata Jayanth, Brian P. English, Takuma Inoue, J. Owen Andrews, William Conway, Jonathan B. Grimm, Jan-Hendrik Spille, Luke D. Lavis, Timothée Lionnet, Ibrahim I Cissé

RNA Polymerase II cluster dynamics predict mRNA output in living cells

eLife 2016;10.7554/eLife.13617 (May 3, 2016) (open access)

Zachary B. Katz, Brian P. English, Timothée Lionnet, Young J. Yoon, Nilah Monnier, Ben Ovryn, Mark Bathe, Robert H. Singer

Mapping translation “hotspots” in live cells by tracking single molecules of mRNA and ribosomes

eLife 2016;5:e10415 (January 13, 2016) (open access) (pdf)

Brian P. English, Robert H. Singer

Tracking multiple single molecules in living cells

SPIE Newsroom 10.1117/2.1201509.006125 (November 2, 2015) (open access) (pdf)

Brian P. English, Robert H. Singer

A three-camera imaging microscope for high-speed single-molecule tracking and super-resolution imaging in living cells

Proc. SPIE 9550, Biosensing and Nanomedicine VIII, 955008 (invited paper) 10.1117/12.2190246 (2015) (free PMC article) (pdf)

Nilah Monnier, Zachary Barry, Hye Yoon Park, Kuan-Chung Su, Zachary Katz, Brian P. English, Arkajit Dey, Keyao Pan, Iain M. Cheeseman, Robert H. Singer, Mark Bathe

Inferring transient particle transport dynamics in live cells

Nature Methods 12(9), 838–840 (2015) (free PMC article)

Sarada Viswanathan, Megan E. Williams, Erik B. Bloss, Timothy J. Stasevich, Colenso M. Speer, Aljoscha Nern, Barret D. Pfeiffer, Bryan M. Hooks, Wei-Ping Li, Brian P. English, Teresa Tian, Gilbert L. Henry, John J. Macklin, Ronak Patel, Charles R. Gerfen, Xiaowei Zhuang, Yalin Wang, Gerald M. Rubin, Loren L. Looger

High-performance probes for light and electron microscopy

Nature Methods 12(6), 568–576 (2015) (free PMC article)

Johnathan B Grimm, Brian P English, Jiji Chen, Joel P Slaughter, Zhengjian Zhang, Andrey Revyakin, Ronak Patel, John J Macklin, Davide Normanno, Robert H Singer, Timothée Lionnet, Luke D Lavis

A general method to improve fluorophores for live-cell and single-molecule microscopy   

Nature Methods 12(3), 244-250 (2015) (free PMC article) (cover legend)

Highlighted inSelect, New Antibiotic, Unexpected Antiviral, IP7 in Cancer, and Better Dyes, Milka Kostic, Chemistry and Biology 22(2), 159-160 (2015) (paywall link)

Jiang Hao, Brian P English, Rachel Hazan, Peng Wu, Ben Ovryn

Tracking surface glycans on live cancer cells with single molecule sensitivity

Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54(6), 1765–1769 (2015) (free PMC article)

Highlighted in:

C&EN News: Single Glycoproteins Caught In Motion 93(1), 21 (2015) (paywall link)

Bi-Chang Chen, Wesley R Legant, Kai Wang, Lin Shao, Daniel E Milkie, Michael W Davidson, Chris Janetopoulos, Xufeng S Wu, John A Hammer III, Zhe Liu, Brian P English, Yuko Mimori-Kiyosue, Daniel P Romero, Alex T Ritter, Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Lillian Fritz-Laylin, R Dyche Mullins, Diana M Mitchell, Joshua N Bembenek, Anne-Cecile Reymann, Ralph Böhme, Stephan W Grill, Jennifer T Wang, Geraldine Seydoux, U Serdar Tulu, Daniel P Kiehart, Eric Betzig

Lattice light-sheet microscopy: Imaging molecules to embryos at high spatiotemporal resolution

Science 346(6208), 1257998 (2014) (free PMC article) (cover legend)

Kiryl D Piatkevich, Brian P English, Vladimir N Malashkevich, Hui Xiao, Steven C Almo, Robert H Singer & Vladislav V Verkhusha

Photoswitchable Red Fluorescent Protein with a Large Stokes Shift

Chemistry & Biology 21, 1402–1414 (2014) (open access)

Viktoriya Shyp, Stoyan Tankov, Andrey Ermakov, Pavel Kudrin, Brian P English, Måns Ehrenberg, Tanel Tenson, Johan Elf & Vasili Hauryliuk

Positive allosteric feedback regulation of the stringent response enzyme RelA by its product 

EMBO Reports 13(9), 835-839 (2012) (open access)

Discussed in:

Research Highlights, Positively alarming, Catherine Goodman, Nature Chemical Biology 8 (2012) (link)

Anton Kuzemenko, Stoyan Tankov, Brian P English, Ivan Tarassov, Tanel Tenson, Piotr Kamenski, Johan Elf & Vasili Hauryliuk

Single molecule tracking fluorescence microscopy in mitochondria reveals highly dynamic but confined movement of Tom40

Scientific Reports 1, 195; 10.1038/srep00195 (2011) (open access) (SGD curated paper)

Brian P English, Vasili Hauryliuk, Arash Sanamrad, Stoyan Tankov, Nynke Dekker & Johan Elf 

Single Molecule Investigations of the Stringent Response Machinery in Living Bacterial Cells

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108(31), E365-73 (2011) (open access)

Discussed in

Research Highlights, Proteins in Motion, Michael Eisenstein, Biopolymers 95 (2011) (pdf)

Signalling in space and time: systems dynamics of intracellular communication, Shelly Tzlil & Rejji Kuruvilla, EMBO reports 12 (2011) (link)

In vitro and in vivo single-molecule fluorescence imaging of ribosome-catalyzed protein synthesis, Corey E Perez & Ruben L Gonzalez Jr, Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 15 (2011) (paywall link)

Featured on the HFSP homepage (link)

Brian P English, Arash Sanamrad, Stoyan Tankov, Vasili Hauryliuk & Johan Elf

Tracking of individual freely diffusing fluorescent protein molecules in the bacterial cytoplasm

arXiv, 1003.2110v1 [q-bio.QM] (2010) (pdf)

Brian P English, Wei Min, Antoine M van Oijen, Kang Taek Lee, Guobin Luo, Hongye Sun, Binny J Cherayil, S C Kou & X Sunney Xie

Ever-fluctuating single enzyme molecules: Michaelis-Menten equation revisited

Nature Chemical Biology 2, 87-94 (2006) (paywall link) (pdf)

(cover legend)

Discussed in: 

Michaelis-Menten is dead, long live Michaelis-Menten!, Nils G. Walter, Nature Chemical Biology 2 (2006) (pdf)

Michaelis-Menten for single enzyme molecules, Allison Doerr, Nature Methods 3 (2006) (pdf)

Physics Update: Zooming in on Enzyme Kinetics, Stephen G. Benka, Physics Today (April, 2006) (pdf)

Wei Min, Irina V Gopich, Brian P English, S C Kou, X Sunney Xie & Attila Szabo

When does the Michaelis-Menten equation hold for fluctuating enzymes?

The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110, 20093-20097 (2006) (paywall link) (pdf)

S C Kou, Binny J Cherayil, Wei Min, Brian P English & X Sunney Xie

Single-Molecule Michaelis-Menten Equations

The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109, 19068-19081 (2005)

(paywall link) (cover legend) (pdf)

Wei Min, Brian P English, Guobin Luo, Binny J Cherayil, S C Kou & X Sunney Xie

Fluctuating Enzymes: Lessons from Single-Molecule Studies

Accounts of Chemical Research 38, 923-931 (2005) (paywall link) (pdf)

Brian P English, Ervin Welker, Mahesh Narayan & Harold A Scheraga

Development of a Novel Method To Populate Native Disulfide-Bonded Intermediates for Structural Characterization of Proteins: Implications for the Mechanism of Oxidative Folding of RNase A

Journal of the American Chemical Society 124, 4995-4999 (2002) (paywall link) (pdf)